My Philosophy

Life does not come with instructions. We are not born good or evil. We come into the world to learn from our experiences and environment.  We build up on these experiences to determine our goals and eventually our destiny.What people decide to make of their lives is completely up to them.  Personally, I feel that time should never be wasted.  I try to make the best out of time and the choices that are presented to me. I am aware of the consequences of my actions, and feel that nobody should ever be blamed for my misfortunes.  I don't have my whole future planed out, however, I do have an idea of what I will be doing in a couple of years.  I have both feet on the ground and I never fantasize about the impossible.  I make my goals realistic.  In reaching my goals I know I will have to encounter many obstacles.  Whatever these obstacles may be, I plan to overcome them with the determination I have always had.

My family has given me many things to be thankful for.  I plan on paying them back by being respectful, and trying hard in school.  Not only do I plan on demonstrating my gratitude to them, but also to those who have helped me along the way.  

I know life will not be easy, but with my ambition and love for life, I know I can accomplish anything.  I often say to myself.